Meet Varad: A Journey of Triumph and Transformation
Varad's Inspiring Progress Through the Doman Method® Program
Varad’s journey stands out as a story of hope and resilience of parenting a child with special needs. Varad, the third recipient of the YaraStar Scholarship from the Doman International Institute, hails from India. He has been navigating life with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder which was diagnosed at age three. Varad's journey with Autism Spectrum Disorder led his family down the path of traditional therapies with limited success until they discovered the Doman Method. His tale is not just about overcoming challenges but a testament to the power of dedication, love, and a revolutionary approach to intervention—the Doman Method® Program.
Varad embarked on his transformative journey with the Doman International Institute in 2021 as a toddler. Using their specialized evaluation system, Doman International diagnosed Varad with a severe diffuse midbrain and cortical injury. His family, undeterred by the challenges, embraced the Doman Method® Program wholeheartedly. By February 2022, the results of Varad's evaluation appointment were nothing short of remarkable:
Excellent Name Calling Response:
His ability to respond to names has shown significant improvement.Enhanced Sleeping Patterns:
Varad now enjoys improved sleep quality.Settled Behavioral Issues:
Behavioral challenges have diminished considerably.Successful Potty Training:
Varad has achieved complete toilet training.Enhanced Social Interaction:
Varad's interactions with others and socialization skills have witnessed a remarkable improvement.Speech and Language Development:
Varad's speech has become more articulate, and he can express his emotions through words.
Since the inception of the Doman Method program, Varad has blossomed in numerous ways. His ability to read more than 100 single words is a testament to his newfound skills. Verbal communication has become a significant part of his life, as he can now articulate many words and couplets. The positive changes extend beyond academics—Varad is more aware, tuned in, and experiences improved sleep throughout the night.
Varad's behavioral improvements are a cause for celebration. His understanding of instructions has expanded to three steps, a noteworthy achievement in his developmental journey. Toilet training, a milestone that may seem routine to many, represents a significant triumph for Varad and his family.
The family's commitment to the Doman Method® Program is unwavering. The family diligently integrates the program into their daily lives. The YaraStar Scholarship played a pivotal role in sustaining Varad's progress, ensuring that the program continues to catalyze positive changes in his life, his family and the community around him.